The Agape Story

The Agape Story

Agape Apparel was created by the Jones twins (Nathanael and Gabriel) while they were freshman at Benedictine College in Atchison Kansas. Agape was inspired by their mother one evening during Thanksgiving break as the topic of love came up and their mother began to explain the transformative power of sacrifice within a loving relationship. This idea of love affected the twins so much they were inspired to share the message with those around them. Love is anything but new and so the twins decided to look into the past, finding the word agapé from the ancient greek forms of love. Agape love is a word which translates to, "The highest purest form of love as a choice, not due to attraction or obligation." They loved the definition and wanted to do something more to share their new revelation. After a couple weeks of prayer, conversations, and discernment, they decided to start a company that creates simple Christian clothing with the goal of uplifting the hearts, minds, and souls of those who encounter the message.

In 2024, they decided it was time to consecrate the business to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the first consecration mass of its kind in the whole world! With the support of Benedictine College's business department and His Way At Work, they made history living out the message they desired to share, committing the AGAPE community to the one who lived out sacrificial love the best, Jesus Christ. To live a life rooted in faith, they found that they couldn't simply claim it, but that they needed to truly live out what they believed. Since the beginning, the Lord has guided and pushed the company and they believe that He will continue to change the world in ways that bring life and joy into every one of our lives.

With love!


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